Does working from home work? Experience of working from home and the value of hybrid workplace post-COVID-19

Preparing for a remote job interview is similar to preparing for an in-person interview. Just as you would prepare answers to commonly asked interview questions, you should prepare answers for work-from-home interview questions too. This one is usually asked to understand your seriousness towards a work-from-home job. An ideal answer would be a “yes.’’ You can describe your workspace at home for the interviewer to be assured that you’re not going to be working from your bed.

There’s a good chance you’ll be asked something along the lines of “What can you contribute to this company?” in your next remote job interview. It’s one of the most common job interview questions because it helps the hiring managers assess whether or not you’d be a good fit for the company’s specific needs. As someone who has been working remotely for some time now, I can tell you that if you’re thinking of applying for remote jobs right now, go for it. I was skeptical before I took the plunge, not because of the move to remote work but because I had no idea what I’d be asked in my interview.

How to Answer Interview Questions About Working From Home

When asked this question during your remote interview, don’t say an unrealistic “I won’t face any challenges while working from home.” We all face challenges, whether working from an office or home. Be realistic with your answer, but also provide an idea of how you’ll combat this challenge. This enables the interviewer to see that you can overcome the challenge  and won’t become a deterrent in the long term. Whatever reason you give for taking up a remote job, it needs to have weightage and has to be valid. Refrain from anything that makes remote work sound like it’s easy, and you’re taking it up for the sake of running personal errands. In the interview, you can expect all the questions related to your field of expertise.

You can do so by answering your interview questions while keeping an energetic and cheerful disposition. You don’t have to worry if you have no prior experience with working from home listed on your resume. If you’ve worked remotely before, talk about work from home experience that beyond details on your resume. If you have no experience of full-time remote work, you can let the interviewer know of the same. You can talk about freelance projects that you may have worked on for clients from another city or country.

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And/or follow up by writing an email with your availability for the next day if they tried to reach you but failed. If you’re planning on asking to work from home in your next job, you should really use the whole hiring process to show you’re a self-starter… even before going on an interview. Some companies just don’t allow employees to work from home, so it’s better to find out early in the process if this is something that’s important to you. If they ask you why you’d like to work from home and you’re only talking about yourself and what YOU want, then you’re really not answering this question the right way.

tell us about your experience in a work from home environment

To help you assemble a well-stocked, organized toolbox, here’s a comprehensive list of tools for remote teams (and one for remote software developers). When you interview for a job, it’s important to ask the employer questions that will help you decide if the job is one you want to take, if it were offered. You describe in the job listing that you’re seeking a coder who can learn new software languages quickly. In my previous job at a university, I learned three new languages and received an award for my initiative in using them to upgrade the home page of the university website. I communicated by phone and through email, messaging, and document sharing platforms to get my work done because we all worked in different buildings. If you thrive in this kind of work environment you need to provide strong answers to get that message across.

Tell me about a time you had a problem at work and how you resolved it.

This is another excellent example of a situational interview question and the perfect opportunity to use the STAR method. Leech advises including a detailed example of how you’ve resolved a conflict in the past. “If you weren’t able to resolve things, share what you should have done instead, as it demonstrates an ability and desire to learn from your mistakes,” she says. Discussing what you learned can be incredibly valuable, so if you don’t have a glowing success story, it’s OK to share an example of a time things didn’t work out the way you’d hoped.

  • It’s not a deal breaker if you haven’t, but you’ll need to demonstrate that you have the ability to work remotely in other ways, such as freelancing experience or working on side projects.
  • Plus, you don’t have colleagues sitting all around you to serve as positive peer pressure to keep working or to provide a sense of camaraderie that keeps you going.
  • Answering this question is much easier if you’ve done your research on the company and the role, so be sure to thoroughly read the job description and company website.
  • If the company has recently transitioned to a remote model, you might ask about how the transition is going, what tools they’re using to keep the team together, and how going remote has affected the company culture.

All these tempting freedoms sometimes can turn out to be the hardest ones to conquer. There is no alarm clock, so try your best to figure out when to start working. There is no specific lunchtime, so don’t forget that you need to eat.

How do you ensure projects are a success when working remotely?

Show interest in the position itself at least as much as you show them you’re excited about the idea of working from home. In this case… asking this will also help you find out if you’re hearing “no” because working from home regularly is against company policy. You could ask an open-ended question to understand their objection to you working from home. Get creative, and remember to always mention one business reason and one benefit to THEM.

  • Even though the question can seem simple, it’s difficult to provide a good answer if you’re not prepared.
  • First things first, before we get to the questions, you need to be ready with a few basic things that are required for any work from home interview.
  • Depending on the type and cause of the problem, it may be possible to get the project back on track by allocating further resources to it.
  • I have a massive 32 inch Samsung display at my cowork space that I favor over my Apple cinema display at home.
  • When asked this, let your interviewer know of all the things you like to do when not working.
  • There are two windows in my office and I find that especially important.

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